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      Ascultă antreprenorii cu exit-uri de succes

      podcast 1
      podcast 1

      Built to sell Radio

      Minority vs. Majority Partners with Mark Ferrier
      right arr border

      podcast 2
      podcast 1

      Built to sell Radio

      Ep 408 Why Thomson Reuters Paid $124 Million For Pondera Solutions
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      podcast 3
      podcast 1

      Built to sell Radio

      How Lloyed Lobo Bootstrapped His Way to a $23 Million Exit
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      podcast 4
      podcast 1

      Built to sell Radio

      Exit, Rest, Restart: Rob Walling on Navigating the Entrepreneurial Lifecycle
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      Personal driver #3 – Personal Detachment

      Value Driver #8 – Hub & Spoke

      Who can buy my business?

      Personal Driver #1 – Future Vision

      Invitație la FREEDOM Workshop – Dan Berteanu (fondator Exit by Choice)

      Personal driver #4 – Team Involvement

      Personal Driver #2 – Deal Structure Flexibility

      Value Driver #7 – Customer Satisfaction

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